Hydrodynamics is a macro-level model of particle behavior; what are the macro-level models of human, team, organization behavior? My research interests lie in identifying and investigating the aggregation mechanisms leading to consistent macro-level behavior and how they feed into micro-level behavior.
I am interested in explaining what makes organizations resilient, applying a Complex Adaptive System perspective aligned with my background.

Organization Science and Complexity
Aggregation channels from micro-level behaviors to macro-level organizational outcomes and their influence on strategic management.
2014 - 2017
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
MSc. Physics
Network Analysis
Improving or developing methods adapted to managerial sciences, looking for overlaps between percolation theory and resilience.
Mental Models, Social Categories, and Causality
Action is driven by mental models, models are acquired from social environment. Such self-referential loops have great explanatory potential.
Organizational Resilience
Identifying strategic perspectives on resilience and determining the driving factors of resilience in organizations.
2010 - 2014
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
BSc. Physics
2005 - 2010
German Highschool Istanbul
Abitur diploma
2017 - 2023
PhD Candidate in Management, Strategy